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About Us

Comic Cupcakes is an online cupcake shop that specializes in the world of Comic Books. The company was founded by Nicolette Riley and Michele Miliante in 2014 when they discovered their mutual talent and love for baking. The founders met at the George Washington University where they were both completing their Bachelor’s degrees. 

Their friendship blossomed through mutual friends and a love of comic books, but it was not until they began attending comic book conventions that they realized that their passion for baked goods could become a viable business venture. They realized that comic convention attendees and dealers alike were lacking in the snack department and what better way to accomplish a cost effective method of marketing and feed the masses than by selling cupcakes? Although they do not sell solely comic book themed cupcakes that is their specialty.

"Let them eat cake"​

​ Marie Antoinette

*We abide by the State of Viriginia's Cottage Food Law



©2015 Comic Cupcakes Bakery. All rights reserved.

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